spaceART GLOBAL CULTURES Differdange | Luxembourg
Global Cultures – New Ways of Living Together spaceART Workshop
European Forum of History and Arts 2013 Kreatiffabrik Differdange | Luxembourg
The ‚European Forum of History and Arts‘ took place in the South of Luxembourg, an area that offers a new, future-oriented focus on migration, on world cultures and on the search for new ways to coexist in harmony. The city of Differdange, which became known especially for its steel industry, was chosen as the project site. In this area about 50 % of the population has a migration background and the industrial and migration history is an important aspect of contemporary life in this part of Luxembourg. The city of Dudelange, where ‚Le Centre de Documentation sur les Migrations Humaines‘ (CDMH) is located, as well as the North of the country and the capital are involved in the project.
With the Forum being held in Luxembourg new perspectives on the topic of ‚migration‘ are supposed to be examined. Philosophical and ethical considerations on migration are supposed to be placed further into the foreground of discussion. This way recent and European migration, prejudices and their outlook for the future ought to be analyzed sociologically, philosophically and historically as well as being treated artistically by 90 students and 25 educators | artists from Germany, Poland, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Ireland, USA, Slovakia, Georgia, Italy and 60 students from an elementary and special needs school in Differdange. As a closure of the project work in Differdange a public exhibition will take place in the ‚Kreatiffabrik‘ Differdange on 11th of April.
In the spaceART workshop projects in the city of Differdange were developed by the students, exploring the topic of Global Culture and the city itself – its history; its social and spatial conditions. The objective of the research was to identify sites within the area of the city and to develop concepts for projects that reflect the topic and its imprint in the city’s daily life.